CDR Web Interface
 An error has occured

Internal error: unable to find value row for id 25016
--> -->
Python 2.4.2: d:\python\python.exe
Mon Jul 24 14:41:13 2006

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

  305             # Don't allow value to become unmappable if it's already mapped
  306             if newValue == 'N' and pairs.has_key(rowId) and pairs[rowId][1]:
  307                 errors.append("Can't make \"%s\" non-mappable if it's "
  308                               "already mapped.  Must also erase CDRID." \
  309                               % lookupValueByMapId(rowId))
errors = [u'Can\'t make "New Brunswick|CA" non-mappable if it\'s already mapped. Must also erase CDRID.', u'Can\'t make "AL|US" non-mappable if it\'s already mapped. Must also erase CDRID.'], errors.append = <built-in method append of list object>, lookupValueByMapId = <function lookupValueByMapId>, rowId = 25016
 D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\cgi-bin\cdr\ in lookupValueByMapId(mapRowId=25016)
  145             cdrcgi.bail("Internal error: unable to find value row for id %d" \
  146                         % mapRowId)
  147     except Error, info:
  148         cdrcgi.bail("Database error looking up value by map row id=%d: %s" \
  149                      % (mapRowId, str(info)))
Error undefined, info undefined

NameError: global name 'Error' is not defined
      args = ("global name 'Error' is not defined",)

d:\cdr\Log\tmpdax8a9.html contains the description of this error.